Artwork inspired by the 2023 Annual Trail Ride at the historic Bell Ranch in Tucumcari, New Mexico.
For 57 years, the Cowboy Artists of America has held an annual gathering at a working ranch to ride, work and bond as a unique brotherhood. Not only does this annual event build camaraderie and strengthen loyalty to the group, it also inspires members to create artwork distinctive to the trip.

Buffalo Bill Art Show & Quick Draw Covid-Style
Dusty participated in the Quick-finish event, held this year in downtown Cody, WY

CA TrailRide 2019
This year’s Trail Ride was held at Coldwater Ranch in Cache Valley, Utah

2018 Fall Art in Wyoming
We have our annual shows this month in Cody. Dusty headed over the mountain to Jackson Hole last weekend for the annual Fall Arts Festival QuickDraw. He spent Saturday morning participating in this part of the Fall Arts Festival, sculpting a piece called “River’s Edge”

Luck of the Draw
July 11, 2018 | 11 a.m. Central Time
The Cowboy Artists of America invite you to experience Cowboy Trails — the first, annual online-only exhibition and sale featuring artworks inspired by the 2018 CAA Trail Ride.