Monuments & Public Commissions | History In Bronze

The Legend, The Lore, The Law

Dustin is available for proposals for Public Art and private monument commissions

For commission proposals, monument pricing & information, we’d enjoy Discussing options.



We are open to provide bids for Historically accurate and significant American & Historical Monuments | Please email for more information & pricing

I enjoy collaborating with community members to meet deadlines and budgets, but as importantly create the vision of what the members and commissioning entities are seeking for their projects. Authenticity is key in my designs. I will thoroughly research historical moments or figures that I am commissioned to portray in my work. There will always be a story behind every piece that I create. Before completing the life-size “The Legend, The Lore, The Law” in Fredericksburg, Texas at the Heritage Center, I researched all of the historical gear, clothing, tack, and weapons used by the Texas Rangers throughout the different generations and met with retired Rangers to ensure the preciseness of the piece. The accuracy was key in honoring the Texas Rangers organization and to preserve where they came from and where they are today. The goal of this project was to educate future generations of the history of the Texas Rangers organization through a visual monument dedicated to all of the past, present, and future Rangers. I always strive for the accuracy and honor mixed in with the creative and artistic aspect of every sculpture, as well as considering the location and style of each exterior or interior location for public artwork.
